About Dr. Nelson Jaeggli
Our Philosophy
We explore the concept that the brain can be treated by physical means that are not chemical. We believe that by exploring the relationship between cognition and neural activity, an innovative and informed approach to non-invasive neuromodulation is possible. Our dedicated team of neuroscientists and physicians believe in delivering individualized treatment to achieve a healthier life for people with various neurological issues.
Our Goal
Our evidence-based methodology is unique because we focus on the physiology of the brain. We map and reveal communications in the brain’s neural networks. As a result, we’re able to take a personalized and targeted approach based on your brain rhythm, encouraging healthy brain communication activity. Our goal is to empower minds.
About Dr. Nelson Jaeggli
- Brain Treatment Center Plano 2022 – Present. Physician and Partner, Neurology clinic implementing personalized and targeted MeRT® treatment to improve brain function.
- Integrative Emergency Services, Dallas, TX, April, 2016-Present
- Baylor Scott & White Medical Center – Lake Pointe, 2002-present Baylor University Medical Center, 2016 – 2023. Attending Physician, Emergency Department at Level 1 Trauma Center, Stroke Center, and Regional Referral Hospital for North Texas. Award for Exceptional Wisdom in Medicine, 2022.
- Texas A&M Medical School. Clinical Instructor, Teaching residents and medical students.
- EmCare, Dallas, TX, October, 2012- June, 2016. Doctor’s Hospital at White Rock Lake. Attending Physician, Emergency Department.
- First Choice Emergency Room, Garland, TX, May, 2012- February, 2016. Attending Physician, Emergency Department. Medical Director, Garland Facility, 2013-2016. COLA Certified Lab Director.
- Global Neuro-Diagnostics, Dallas, TX, October, 2013-February, 2015
- Private fast-growing medical diagnostic company providing home video EEG services. Advisory Board, Member.
- Capitol Emergency Associates, Austin, TX, July, 2007-May, 2011 St David’s Round Rock Medical Center. Attending Physician, Emergency Department. Quality Management Committee, Member, 2009-2011
Emergency Medicine Residency
- Johns Hopkins Hospital, Department of Emergency Medicine, Baltimore, MD, July, 2004- June, 2007.
- Resident Education Committee, Developed curriculum for the improvement of intern lectures and resident-to-resident teaching
- Residency Recruitment Committee.
- Basic Life Support Certified.
- Advanced Cardiovascular Life Support Certified.
- Pediatric Advanced Life Support Certified.
- Thorbecke Lab, NYU School of Medicine, NYC, NY, Lab Technician, 1999-2000. Sen N, Simmons WJ, Thomas RM, Erianne G, Zhang DJ, Jaeggli NS, Huang C, Xiong X, Tsiagbe VK, Ponzio NM, Thorbecke GJ. “META-controlled env-initiated transcripts encoding superantigens of murine Mtv29 and Mtv7 and their possible role in B cell lymphomagenesis”, J Immunol. 2001 May 1;166(9):5422-9.
Volunteer Work
- North Dallas Shares Ministries, Dallas, TX, 2016-Present. Governing Board, Member of a multi-faith charitable mission that provides emergency assistance, health, dental care, and promoted wellness and financial independence to low-income individuals.
- VNA, Meals on Wheels, Dallas, TX
- Office of the Chief Medical Examiner, Fall 2001. Volunteered in the aftermath of the 9/11-World Trade Center terrorist attack victims.
- Fellowship in Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation at Duke University School of Medicine, 2025. This is an intensive training in TMS, sponsored by the Duke University School of Medicine. The Duke TMS Course includes didactic sessions and hands-on administration of TMS. The didactic sessions with the TMS faculty of Duke University cover all topics relevant to running a TMS clinical service and a TMS research lab, including:
- Device principles and types
- Neuroscience of TMS
- Motor threshold determination
- Treatment technique
- Stimulus dosing
- Risks, complications and contraindications
- Safety screening
- Post-TMS management and continuation treatment
- Clinical and non-clinical research applications
- Emerging brain stimulation techniques
- The Johns Hopkins University, Emergency Medicine Residency Program, 2004 – 2007
- Columbia University, College of Physicians and Surgeons, New York, NY, May 2004. Doctor of Medicine. Gold Foundation Humanism in Medicine Award, 2004 for leadership and compassion in medical care. Columbia Student Medical Outreach, 2001-2004 Co-Founder, Co-Chairman. Developed and managed a student-organized, free, primary-care center for the uninsured. NYC Mayor’s Citation for Volunteer Service, New York, NY, 2002. Awarded for volunteer work after the terrorist attacks of 9/11. Physicians for Human Rights, Columbia University Chapter, Chairman, 2001-2002
- Columbia University, School of General Studies, New York, NY, May, 1999 Post-Baccalaureate Pre-Medical Program.
- Columbia University, Columbia College, New York, NY, May 1997 Bachelor of Arts in Comparative Religion.